Sacred Landscape

The constellation of the Great Bear … … and the seven holy islands; after John Michell, ‘New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury’. OUR DISAPPEARING SACRED LANDSAPE Information leaflet, September 2019 The land around Glastonbury and the...

Glastonbury Road Questionnaire

GLASTONBURY ROAD QUESTIONNAIRE Glastonbury Oracle, May 2018 ​Last week I attended the meeting of Glastonbury’s A361 Committee as a member of the public. This is the group that organised what they called the ‘Road Consultation’. Finally the results were announced:...

The Mendip Expressway

THE MENDIP EXPRESSWAY This is an extended version of an article written for ‘The Oracle’, December 2017 Along the route of the old railway line below Glastonbury Tor … In Glastonbury, traffic coming along the A361 down Chilkwell Street and Bere Lane...

Planning status – old railway line

What is the planning status of the old railway line? Surely the District Council’s Local Plan will spell out what it can be used for? (February 2018) A correspondent called John asked this: I don’t know the area. I have been to Glastonbury once. I don’t understand the...

A361 Alternative routes

What are the alternative routes to the A361 through Glastonbury? (February 2018) Roadworks are frequently needed in Chilkwell Street (particularly with the battering that the road surface gets these days!) but there is always another route to send the HGVs onto....

Preliminary consultation

Is the consultation only preliminary The Town Council has said that this consultation is only ‘preliminary’, and that we can consult further when we have ‘all the information’. Is this true? (February 2018) Town Councillors may believe that it’s true, but please...