Community magazine based at the Assembly Rooms, edited by a changing group of enthusiasts. 18 issues, 1984 to 1988.

Communicator 1

1 December 1984
Articles based on meetings held and issues raised at the first Glastonbury Community Weekend; Friends of the Assembly Rooms newsletter included.

Available as photocopied facsimile (18 A4 pages including full colour cover).
Price £2.20

Communicator 2 1

2 February 1985
What’s Happening at the Glastonbury Experience?; The ‘Pluto Effect’; Changes – what’s up during Aquarius and Pisces – Astrological run-down; Friends of the Assembly Rooms opening the Assembly Rooms to the community; numerous short news items, events, cartoons etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (20 A4 pages).
Price £2.00

Communicator 3

3 March 1985
Angel Delight – a personal view of the underlying current of happen-ings in Glastonbury; Plans for next Community Weekend; Report from Eritrea – in conjunction with the Molesworth Wheat for the Starving campaign; A Woman’s Place, including news of a Women’s Space at the Dove Centre; the Green Page – The Greening of Worthy Farm; Passin’ Thru – Square Wheel Theatre; The Assembly Rooms Saga continued; 

The King Arthur Exhibition; plus miscellaneous news items and short articles.

Available as photocopied facsimile (20 A4 pages).
Price £2.00

Communicator 4

4 May 1985
Community Weekend; Molesworth – Peace Networking; Space Visitors – a personal view; What is Beltane?; The Rainbow People – Sunbear’s visit to Glastonbury; Universe – work or play; Men at Work; Arthur of Avalon; Assembly Rooms news; Montessori School; plus other news and events etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (24 A4 pages).
Price £2.40

Communicator 5

5 Summer Solstice 1985
Stonehenge rant, and several articles sparked off by the ‘Battle of the Beanfield’; Small is Beautiful; Glastonbury – a ghost town? – new supermarket to be built on the Tor Fair field; Assem-bly Rooms news; Glastonbury Earth Mysteries Camp; Circle Dancing; Glastonbury Prophecy 1985-88; Glastonbury – Celestial Beacon; God Training; Re-birthing; Shamanic Site Work; Uluru (Ayers Rock) Central Australia; 

Living Astrology Camp; Caged for Life – battery hens; The Good Ship Avalonia; News from Greenlands; plus other news and events etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (32 A4 pages)
Price £3.20

Communicator 6

6 Autumn 1985
Drugs and the Police; Grounded Glastonbury – reflections on Glastonbury’s ‘alternative’ scene; Greenlands Farm – interview with Alison Collyer; Rainbow Village – A Potted History; Living Dance Camp; Assembly Rooms news; Interview with Theresa Wheaton; The God Training; Interview with Phillipa Bowers; What We Need Now – the last word in local feminist comment; Report from Children’s World; Marion Zimmer 

Bradley in Glastonbury; plus other news and events etc.

Still available at original price (whilst stocks last):

Communicator 7

7 November/December 1985
Proposal for a Women’s Refuge in Glastonbury; Assembly Rooms – update, and a short history; Greenlands Farm – ‘Folk Devils and Moral Panics’; Stonehenge and Molesworth latest; ‘Fog-Up at Checkpoint Charley’; La Valdieu; Samhain Earth Mysteries Gathering; The Sun-Wheel and Avebury Circle; Celtic Tree Calendar at the Dove Centre; plus cartoons, news and views.

Still available at original price (whilst stocks last):

Communicator 8

8 Imbolc 1986
Assembly Rooms news; the ‘hippy wrecker’ and Greenlands Farm; Mid-Somerset CND; Glastonbury Food Co-op; Astrology – and Halley’s Comet; difficult start for the Glastonbury Experience; Our Local Press – interview with the Central Somerset gazette’s editor; ‘It’s not aggressive to be assertive’; Community drama – Lysistrata revisited; visit to Leningrad; Hinckley Point; The Assembly Rooms as Sacred Space – 

dimensions of the Golden Mean; plan for Community Resource Centre; ‘Rainbow Village Seeking Peace’; The Solar Wheel of the Year; plus many orther bits and pieces.

Available as photocopied facsimile (36 A4 pages)
Price £3.60

Communicator 9

9 Spring Equinox 1986
‘Underground edition’ – original photocopied due to threat to sue the printer; ‘Housing Problem Grows’; plans for Green Network Gathering; ‘Tower of Flowers in Babylon’ – interview with Michael Eavis; Glastonbury Camps; plus numerous other bits and pieces, news, letters etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (24 A4 pages)
Price £2.40

Communicator 10

10 May/June 1986
Hinkley Point campaign; latest from the Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury Experience, Rainbow Village on the road again, tools for Eritrea, Paddington Farm Trust; Spring Equinox Celebrations; Stonehenge Festival and the Travellers’ Culture; ‘The Dark Goddess transforms division into unity’; Beltane Earth Mysteries Camp; and miscellaneous other bits and pieces.

Available as photocopied facsimile (24 A4 pages)
Price £2.40

Communicator 11

11 ‘Peace Special’, September 1986
1986 – International Year of Peace; Hinkley Point campaign; Assembly Rooms news; The Orthodox Krishnas in Glastonbury; Tragedy in Ethiopia; The Dance Camp; Mantra Meditation Class; Manifesto of the Universal Peace Party; Glastonbury Global – heart chakra of the planet; World Healing Meditation; Unique Publications; and plenty more.

Available as photocopied facsimile (44 A4 pages)
Price £4.40

Communicator 12

12 ‘Under-25s Issue’, New Year 1987
A Quick Guide to Youth Culture; there are better things to do than Meditate; Why Fairies Cannot Live Within the sound of Church Bells; ‘Where, Sweet Where?’ – housing problems; Findhorn Foundation Youth Project; Opening the Anal Portal; The Myth of the Alternative Community; More from the G.E.; and plenty more.

Available as photocopied facsimile (32 A4 pages)
Price £3.20

Communicator 13

13 June 1987
‘Within the Moment of Avalon’; Earth Weaving/Astrology; Visit to the Hopi Reservation, Arizona/The Essence of Hopi Prophecy; Looking forward to the Harmonic Convergence; George Trevelyan in Glastonbury; Community drama – ‘The Beauty in the Beast’; Chamber of Commerce and the European Year of the Environment; The Way of the Shaman; Tipi Living; The Travellers School Bus project; What is Water

Worth?; Follow the (Taoist) White Rabbit; City of Revelation; Glastonbury Experience Enlightenment School Trust summer programme; plus plenty of news, events, etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (44 A4 pages)
Price £4.40

Communicator 14

14 August 1987
Glastonbury Festival of Dance; Goddess Patterns (mazes); Impressions of China; 1987 – The Year for Getting Our Act Together; Dreamweavers; New Trust established to buy the Assembly Rooms; Children’s World; The Ploughshares Folk; The Tree Moon Calendar; Opening of the Heart; Sacred Sites; ‘The Word of the Living Quetzalcoatl’; ‘The 12 Driver Wheels’; Navaho Sand painting; Shamanic Healing in the Lunar 

Tradition; More plans for the Harmonic Convergence; Space Ship Sighting on Windmill Hill; Glastonbury Experience breakthrough; Austin Ringwode’s Prophecy; and still more.

Available as photocopied facsimile (64 A4 pages
Price £6.40

Communicator 15

15 February 1988
Astrological Info; Welcome the Light/Welcome the Dragon; The Harmonic Krishna Connection; Farewell to Greenlands; Dance Festival Review and Photo-montage; Glastonbury Festival 1987; Eritrean Relief; In Defense of Sacred Lands – repeal of the Relocation Act, Navajo and Hopi nations; Tipi Valley; In Memoriam to a Rainbow Warrior – Srila Tirthapada; Harmonic Converg-ence; Official opening of the re-constituted Assembly Rooms; Interview with Reverend James

Turnbull; Moon Magic; Interview with Sid Rawle; Unicorns; Winter Solstice Celebration; Busking in Bolivia; Community drama – ‘The Worthy Opponent’; Pentecost in Glastonbury; Gog Theatre residency; Article about AIDS; Consumers against Nuclear Energy.

Available as photocopied facsimile (40 A4 pages)
Price £4.00

Communicator 16

16 Beltain 1988
Gog Theatre; Assembly Rooms news; Diary of an Alternative Alternative Glastonbury person; Daevid Allen and Friends; Glastonbury Festival of Dance 1988; The Music Co-op; 1000th Anniversary of Abbot Dunstan; Anarchy and Outrage in the Beckery – attempted squat at Morlands; Interview with Kathy Jones; Healing and the Dark Mother; Eritrean Exhibition; Ecology; Glastonbury Friends of 

the Earth; The Dalai Lama in U.K.; Community drama – ‘The Scapegoat’; Action at Hinkley Point; plus more news, events etc.

Available as photocopied facsimile (60 A4 pages)
Price £6.00

Communicator 17

17 ‘The Excommunicator’, October 1988
The Glastafari Morris; The Second Glastonbury Festival of Dance; Diary of an Alternative Ordinary Alternative Type; Stonehenge ’88; Central Somerset Garotte; Holy Grail in South Shields; Music Reviews; Fashion; The Spirit of Conservation on the Move; Obituary – Linda Loveland.

Available as photocopied facsimile (24 A4 pages)
Price £2.40

Communicator 18

18 Winter 1988/89
The Path of Peace and Happiness; The Aramaic Lord’s Prayer; Sacred Circle Dance; World Healing Day 31 December; Festival of Second Coming; The Unfolding of a Vision – Star Child; Sai Baba; The G.O.P.A.L. Trust; Glastonbury Film and Video Club; Power Animals; Tree Spirits; Faith; Stonehenge ’88; Review of Bruce Chatwin’s ‘The Songlines’; and plenty more.

Available as photocopied facsimile (56 A4 pages)
Price £5.60